Tell Your State Legislative Leaders: Support Strong Paid Medical Leave for New Yorkers!

For too long, New York's paid medical leave program (also known as Temporary Disability Insurance, or TDI), which provides support for individuals who need to take time off work to attend to their own health needs, has been woefully inadequate and in need of urgent expansions. Since 1989, the wage replacement cap under the program has been frozen at $170 per week (without job-protection or maintenance of health insurance while on leave), meaning New Yorkers who need to take paid leave due to their own serious illness or injury are left unable to cover even basic expenses like rent or groceries.


Nobody should be forced to choose between their paycheck and recovering or seeking care when they're sick or injured. It's time to bring New York's paid medical leave program up to par with New Yorkers' needs, as well as the numerous other states that have enacted strong comprehensive paid family and medical leave programs.