Help Advocate for the Inclusion of a 7.8% across-the-board Inflationary Increase in the 2025-2026 NY State Budget!

Hello - Please take a moment to send an E-letter directly to your local state legislators to advocate for the inclusion of a 7.8% across-the-board Inflationary Increase in this year's final budget!
The Governor included a 2.1% Inflationary Increase in her 2025-26 Budget Proposal. This amounts to a cut when compared to the amount the CPI (inflation) has increased during her time in office. We need the legislature to add 5.7% just to keep pace with inflation. This needs to be across the board and not targeted towards specific staff positions. We need to address increases in operational costs in addition to the rising salaries of workers - including insurance, transportation, food, utilities, and much more. Negotiations will now begin to take place, which will result in the final budget, which is due April 1st. We need your help!
Sending a letter is extremely easy to do! Just enter your street address, zip code, and full name below and a digital copy of an E-letter will be generated addressed from you to your local legislators. You can then either choose to e-mail it to them AND/OR print and mail a hard copy.
We encourage you to send the E-letter as many times as you would like to and please forward this link to anyone who would also be willing to send it! To learn more about Bring It Home, visit our website and follow us on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Threads, and Instagram! Thank You for helping us Bring It Home! The Bring It Home Coalition
Bring it Home is a coalition of community-based mental health housing providers, mental health advocates, faith leaders, and consumers and their families, urging New York State to adequately fund these community-based housing programs for individuals with psychiatric disabilities. Full recovery and community reintegration depends on stable housing opportunities. Through education and advocacy, Bring it Home is working to bring Better Funding for Better Care to New York.