Tell U.S. EPA: Stop Plastic Pollution & Environmental Injustice by the Chemical Industry

In a long overdue action, the Biden EPA has finally proposed to crack down on toxic air emissions from the chemical industry. But the proposed rule falls far short of meeting the health protections required by the Clean Air Act or the President's own commitment to environmental justice.
That's why we must send a clear message to EPA - protect public health by requiring all available control technologies to virtually eliminate toxic air emissions!
For decades, unchecked hazardous air pollution from about 200 chemical manufacturing plants has plagued neighborhoods in Texas, Louisiana, the Ohio River Valley and elsewhere, posing serious cancer risks to more than 7 million people exposed to chemicals used to make plastics.
But EPA has proposed only a partial crackdown that would still leave more than 5 million still at serious risk of cancer. And 64% of that at-risk population are Latinx and African-Americans, perpetuating a legacy of environmental racism.
Fortunately, solutions are available! EPA must require three available control technologies to slash so-called fugitive emissions that escape from thousands of leaking connections at every chemical plants. These are:
  • Leakless equipment, such as zero-emission valves and pumps
  • Infrared monitoring to timely detect invisible leaks of toxic gases
  • Automated leak detection so that a "smart" chemical plant can timely correct leaks
If EPA hears enough concern from the public, they will strengthen their proposed rule rather than weaken it in response to chemical industry lobbying. Health and justice is at stake!