American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boiler Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII - Proposal 07-245
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is considering a proposal to their Boiler and Pressure Vessel (BPV) Code for Section VIII. Under Proposal 07-245 the ASME BPV Code for Section VIII would remove exemptions for pressure vessels under 6 inches in diameter, vessels containing heated water below 210 degrees, and water heating vessels below 210 degrees and 120 gallons. By removing the exemptions ASME would become the nationwide standard for all, forcing manufacturers to follow the stricter standard for all of their internationally mass-produced goods. By association then requiring the HVACR distributors and contractors to follow ASME code.
Under ASME, manufacturers would be forced to use additional material for the pressure vessel, which would add to the cost and difficulty of transporting. This means repair technicians who are trained under the UL standard would be forced to learn the ASME safety code and would prohibit distributors from being able to supply parts and equipment to non-ASME-certified technicians. Every installer of HVACR equipment would have to be re-certified. The re-certification would be required for licensing purposes, but also required since it would lead to additional testing requirements that affect the field installation, making every job more difficult. Beyond additional steps and re-certification for installers, the ASME code would force installers to sell a more expensive product to customers without increasing actual safety for the customer.